A little walkthrough-with-pictures for setting up an Apple II emulator (AppleWin) on the Steam Deck, specifically to play the Total Replay collection.
A couple of things I missed in my first go at this... First, you can play Total Replay in the browser, at its archive.org homepage! Not sure how the joystick support works in that case (maybe completely fine?) but regardless, very slick. And, there's a "sports-and-boardgames" sibling pack Total Replay II.
Also, a comment on the original post asked how I got the AppleWin executable onto the Steam Deck to begin with. I won't go into much detail here; the answer is basically that there is a typical process for running non-Steam games on the Steam Deck — documented in various other places — and you'd follow that same process for AppleWin. The broad steps were to first get the AppleWin exe to some spot under my Steam Deck home directory (in desktop mode you could use a web browser to download AppleWin from its website, or you could copy it from a USB stick, etc.) and then, running Steam in desktop mode, add that exe into Steam as a "non Steam game". Once it's added, go into its properties and set the "compatibility tool"; I used Proton GE out of habit but probably any version of Proton would have worked.
Originally posted on the social blogging site cohost.org; the cohost theming is mostly preserved here.